Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lord Change My Attitude

I recently started reading the book Lord Change my Attitude Before it's too Late by James MacDonald. I have only gone through the first two chapters (Replace a complaining attitude with a thankful attitude) but it has already changed the way I look at my attitude and especially how I look at the act of complaining.

I am going to try and sum up as best I can what I have taken from these first two chapters, but I would definitely recommend reading the book for yourself as I'm not sure I will do it much justice here.

In Numbers 11 the Israelites continue to complain about their circumstances and because of that "His anger was kindled and the fire of the Lord burned among them." God hates our complaining, it is sin, it is a choice, and it hurts ourselves, those around us, and God. What really got me was the section on complaining about our adversity. Instead of me trying to sum up what it said I'm just going to quote the book here.

"You are forfeiting the grace that could help you through the trial by complaining about it. All the grace and strength you need to experience joy and victory is available to you, but by choosing to complain, by clinging to the idol of a perfect life you are flushing away the grace of God….Realize this…That very adversity that you so often complain about is the thing God wants to use to keep your heart close to His. In His grace, He grants adversity to bring us close to Him." James Macdonald 

This has definitely changed the way I think about difficult circumstances that I face. Instead of focusing on how hard they are, I should really be focused on how God is going to use this circumstance to bring me closer to Him. When we think of life through this perspective we truly have nothing to complain about!

Think about this for a second. Do you ever feel like you are living in the "wilderness?" You may be unhappy and feel like everything is going wrong in your life. Do you ever notice that when you complain about these situations they seems much worse? Our complaining is what keeps us in the wilderness. Next time you are tempted to complain about your circumstances try this instead. Think of what you are thankful for and it will be much easier to be joyful. 

I have decided to come up with 5 reasons everyday to be thankful and when I"m tempted to complain I will decide to focus on what I am thankful for instead. 

My 5 reasons to be thankful today.
1. I have the privilege to stay home with my beautiful baby boy each day and care for him!
2. Great running weather in Glasgow;) Really 40 degrees and rain beats 0 degrees and snow everyday!
3. So many faithful and loving supporters who generously giving so much so we could serve in Glasgow.
4. A loving, kind, gracious husband. 
5. My savior Jesus Christ who suffered and died for my sin so I could live a transformed life by his power and forever be with Him.

How can you not be thankful when you get to look at this precious face everyday?
Roman helping mommy pack!

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